I don't try to invite you to become ‘blogger SEO’, but only sharing some tips to maximize your content in search engine. To followed this 6 way to make blog content more SEO:
1. Create Original Content and Quality ones
If we talk about SEO so will very related with quality and originalitas konten. If we make blog that kontennya only paste's copy from other source, big possibility our blog will hit pinalty.believe? Try just copy content's in this blog and post in your blog, see some month more – don't yes :D.
Continue,how the original content if the topic obviously already many be written same with other people. Can we write a same topic with topic in people's blog other, but we of course has language style self, that is don't so problem. how article quality ones ?Blog content used to article, picture, and video, or can just only one of them. As long as your content to give it a benefity information and to be liked by reader so that content already can be said quality ones. We are not need too to think about word number in an konten's article, that important liked by reader , done finished. But we must remember, this blog content not micro blog like twitter that only to offer it 140 character in 1 konten, so yes word can many more (300 – 1000+ word)
2.Enter Picture/Relevan video
Parable park without flower that is who happen if an article in blog there is no picture or video. Picture is can deputy words, but picture without word like to self song in silent night . So, article and picture its gooder always together inside our content , more gooder if exist video that relevant. To picture, don't forget to to give it tag ALT (alternative) to picture with keyword that according to with topic that exist in article. This his go to picture optimalization mentioned to research result in search engine.
3. Use Title and Meta Article Description
Title/ article Title very important to SEO a blog because title is beginning information about content from article that will be made. For the title that descriptive and can to deputy topic from content that will be made, and ascertain title mentioned also to contain the important key word. Besides to contain key word, exist its good of title also can pull bominating attention reader from search engine like Google. simple Example:
3.1: Make Blog in WordPress, compare it with way
3.2: Make Blog in WordPress Easily and Fastly.
Of course the title that be made with way 2 more to pull bominated the reader, until big possibility that to click in search engine become bigger.
Meta description is one of way so that Search engine like Google fast to know topic the article that we write. So ascertain it to always to write your description article every time make content in blog. Used to search engine only to read 160 character from section description, so don't forget to to enter it the word of article topic key that be made inside 160 character.
4. Use it Its properer Tags
beginner Blogger that yet understand about tag's function and don't know ‘savageness’ backing Google this, certain to choose to to enter it keyword and tag many even tag's entering that not necessary into their content. Tags to have go to content to show content's topic that be made, well if tag that to be entered its number very many this will make our content not focus and like SPAM. To a konten will better if we enter it maximal 5 tag just that is truly hooked with article that be made.
5. Enter it Its properer Keywords
Same of the matter like tags, to enter it keywords into konten is the important matter to SEO. But see it to enter keyword that is have communication with topic that be made. Enter keywords according to proper into your content, to begin from paragraf first until paragraf last. don't enter it keywords too many insideckonten because will be considered as keywords stuffing activity or SPAM.
6. Make Link To Hooked Page
Link go to the hooked page – good that internal or external – is one of way good ones to level SEO a Page content's . With make link to other page that the content fill still have communication mean your content to be completed with reference link who make your content more complete.
for me, 6 tips to make konten blog more SEO in on is way that very simple and effective enough to optimization page on blog content. Maybe some peoples to has way that different or still exist way addition besides that to be mentioned in on.
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